Sport and Games

Club-name Activity Telephone Remarks
Bridgeclub Allez Alert bridge club
040 2 21 83 09 /
040 2 52 81 19
Maandagavond Atrium Gagelbosch, Niet-roken.
secr Dhr E. de Groot / wedstr. leiding Dhr J. Cloodt
Fotoclub “De Gender” photography club   e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., website
Scouting Angelo Roncalli scouting for boys and girls aged 5 – 15 040 2 55 25 88 P. Weeber, p/a Offenbachlaan 116, 5654 RG Ehv
Koninklijke Harmonie Phileutonia windinstruments orchestra for adults and children 040 2 02 55 28 Birgit Strijbos, Postbus 7031, 5605 JA Eindhoven
Badmintonclub Hanevoet badminton club 040 8 48 26 56 Maurice v.d. Lee, Hoogstraat 381
Badmintonclub Eindhoven badminton club 040 2 52 05 17 Ad van Abeelen, web site:
55+ Heren- en damesgymclub GO over 55's men and ladies exercise club 06-49423277 Ruud van der Heijden
Damesgymclub GO ladies only exercise club 040 2 85 89 97 Thieu Broens
KBO 50+ GO over 50's club 06 1065 6513 Jan Sek
Handbalvereniging EHV handball club 06 1458 7458 Mario Vonk, website:
Seniorfit senior exercise class 06 1418 9051  Ellen Raijmakers
Tennisvereniging Volley tennis club 040 2 52 88 72 T. van Gils, Schönberglaan 8
Dynamic Tennis Vereniging Old Dutch dynamic tennis club 06 24825915 Angelique Schirris,
Volleybal VC PRIMO volleyball club 040 2 52 57 22 Holger Stoldt
V.V. Gestel football/soccer club 040 2 51 84 99 Mevr. Rita Trimbos-de Bruin, Postbus 7081
Zaalvoetbal-Gamma Bouwmarkt indoor football 040 2 51 42 07 Pim Lamers, Keverberg 28