Addresses and telephone numbers

  Phone number Remarks / address /website
Emergency number 112  
Police station "GESTEL"
community police officer
0900-88 44 Aalsterweg 290, Contact form
Contact the community police officer
Lost and Found objects , (both in English) Info: 
Doctors Practice Centre Kastelenplein:   address: Kastelenplein 172, 5653LX Eindhoven
web site:
   doctor 040 255 11 37 E.G. Grevelman
   doctor  040 251 15 70 R.B.T. Verstegen
   doctor  040 252 62 55 L.J.G.E. Jansen 
   doctor  040 252 90 82 L.A. van Bijleveld
   doctor  040 266 10 40 I.A. van Hasselt
   emergency phone number
   G.P. Kastelenplein
040 252 23 15 Monday to Friday from 8am until 5pm
Doctors Practice Centre
Clematis GezondheidsCentra
040 251 99 50 GC Gestel Midden, Peter van Anrooylaan 5, 5654 MA Ehv
GC Zuiderpark, Gagelboschplein 1, 5654KN Ehv
GC Oud Gestel, Lassusstraat 4, 5654LL Eh
web site:
   emergency call
   G.P. Clematis GC:
040 251 99 50
press option 8
Monday to Friday from 8am until 5pm
Health and general practice centre Sibelius: 040 711 71 00 SGE Sibelius,  Sibeliuslaan 315, 5654CT Eindhoven
web site: .
  040 711 71 00 Mrs. S. de Boer
  040 711 71 00 Mrs I. Roos
Urgent out of hours medical treatment
General Practice Center
088 876 51 51 Daily from 5 pm until 8 am and in the weekend.
Dentists 040 257 38 29 R. Brakel, Kastelenplein 174
  040 251 83 32 B. Jans, Kastelenplein 174
  040 251 32 45 J. Sijmons, Kastelenplein 174
  040 251 92 41 Mrs. Y. Davans, Keverberg 72
  040 252 42 67 Tandheelkundig Centrum "Hanevoet" , Oldengaarde 17
Health clinic for infants and toddlers 040 230 80 20 Consultatiebureau
Mendelssohnlaan 217
Pharmacy "de Gender" 040 251 06 38 Kastelenplein 175
Pharmacy "Sibelius" 040 711 71 10 SGE SibeliusSibeliuslaan 315, 5654CT Eindhoven
"de Luisterlijn" 088 0767 000 helpline, A listening ear day and night.
Youth centre ’t Slot 0682338079 Jongerencentrum 't Slot (side entrance), Kastelenplein 167.
Contact person Jongerenwerk Oud Kasteel: Roy Schoones,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: Facebook: @JCtSlot
Central Public Library 040 260 4 260 EmmaSingel 22, Eindhoven
Local book lending facility/reading table 040 251 97 68 't Boekenslot
Wijkgebouw 't Slot, Kastelenplein 167  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Primary schools 040 251 14 41 Saltoschool "De Hobbitstee", Schelluinen 2
  040 252 19 05 SKPO basisschool "de Springplank", Aldendriel 38
PeuterPlaza Genderbeemd
0613033886 Schelluinen 2, 5653 JM EINDHOVEN (Korein)
info: 040 249 17 04
Kinderdagverblijf Korein
infants and toddlers daycare

040 249 17 04

Keverberg 5A, 5655 BA Eindhoven
Out-of-school care 040 249 17 04 PS de Springplank, PS de Hobbitstee, Keverberg 5 (‘t Startblok) (Korein)
Spilcentrum Hanevoet
pre-school daycare
040 251 89 72 Oldengaarde 1b, 5655CP Eindhoven (Salto+Little Jungle)
Sports hall Genderbeemd 040 252 15 55 Sterkenburg 616
Zuidzorg (home nursing care) 040 230 84 08 For urgent cases, day and night contact available
Archipel 040 250 44 00 Zuiderpark and Gagelbosch
Community centre 't Slot 040 251 97 68 Kastelenplein 167, reservations on wednesday  7pm to 9 pm
Veterinary practice Gestel 040 255 02 78 Tinelstraat 190
Child help line 0800 0432 "Kindertelefoon", Helpline for children in the age of  8 to 18.
Open from 11 pm until 9 pm.
Public Space Report 14 040 Questions, reports, complaints in the public space in  Eindhoven
Municipal recycling facility   Lodewijkstraat 7, open: Sat 9 am - 5 pm,
Mon - Fri: 10 am -5 pm