Encouragement by the municipality

Because our municipality also wants Eindhoven to be improved and made more sustainable, it has various interesting information pages available to inform you and to help you with subsidy options.

  • A lot of information about what someone can do themselves at their home or in the garden can be found at www.eindhovenduurzaam.nl/wat-kun-je-zelf-doen.
  • The subsidy schemes can also be found there, or directly via www.eindhovenduurzaam.nl/subsidie.
  • Facade gardens: info and folder can be found at www.eindhovenduurzaam.nl/geveltuintje.
  • Another nice website is the biodiversity opportunity map; via www.eindhoven.nl/stad-en-wonen/wonen/groen/groen-in-eindhoven.
  • When residents have questions about green roofs or a combination of green roof with solar panels, they can ask these to the "Collective Duurzame Daken",  www.collectiefduurzamedaken.nl  (the municipality of Eindhoven is a member of this).
  • Do residents have an idea for a vacant lot ? Visit www.eindhoven.nl/stad-en-wonen/stad/meedenken/initiatief-op-gemeentgrond.
  • If you would like to beautify and manage a piece of greenery in the public space, then there is www.eindhovenduurzaam.nl/adopteereenstraat. You can contact Kees Lepoeter from Adopteer een Straat via www.facebook.com/adopteereenstraat or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Use the Google translate feature on the Eindhoven site !