Energy Saving Game completed

The game is over.

After 6 weeks of studying questions about their energy use and behavior, the participants in the Energy Saving Game were presented with the prizes in community center 't Slot on November 16. More than 80 households spread across Zwolle, Utrecht and Waalwijk had registered for the Game and Genderbeemd was represented with more than 40 participants from Nijenrode, Aldendriel, Frankendaal, Martin Luther Kingstraat and Jan Palachstraat. Every week, a prize was awarded to the team that performed the best: a water-saving shower head, an energy meter, a book about healthy eating, plastic-free toothpaste, a voucher to buy energy-saving materials, etc. The participants learned a lot about how to deal with the heating or electrical appliances within their homes:

  • Which are the big "energy guzzlers"?
  • What can I change in my behavior?
  • What can I improve in my home and what will be the benefits?

It is clear that participants now have much more knowledge about their energy bills and energy consumption. They deal with it much more consciously and that is a win. Some reported that family members also played a role and are now much more aware of lighting and heating consumption.

The awards ceremony in 't Slot was very pleasant. In addition to the prizes for the teams, there were individual prizes for the participants with the most points. It is striking that the Genderbeemd residents have done very well. Of the first 10 places, 8 were for Genderbeemd residents.

Topper was Marjan who answered all questions and assignments correctly, closely followed by Jurjen and Prosper. The prizes for these participants were made available by 040energie and the municipality of Eindhoven: a free membership of 040energie year 2024, a home inspection with an energy coach and an energy meter. These are all practical prizes that participants can use straight away.

The teams, led by a team captain, worked together very well. Some met weekly and app groups were created to communicate with each other. It is nice to see that mutual contacts in our neighborhood have been strengthened in this playful way. Of course, kudos go to the team captains Margot, Marloes, Hedwig, Antoon and Ad.

All in all, the Energy Saving Game is an action that requires a follow-up. Do you have an idea, or would you like to contribute your thoughts? Please feel free to contact our Genderbeemd Duurzaam working group (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Kind regards, Antoon, Wim and Michaël